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Editor's Pick
Let’s rank the all Alien and Predator movies worst to best.
13- The Predator (2018)
Shane Black’s The Predator has the biggest budget in the Predator franchise. It has a good cast but the movie falls into a story, editing and many other things. The Predator’s biggest mistakes are, it has too much nonsense comedy and a lore-breaking story. Also, editing was terribly bad because the movie went to reshoots and was delayed too many times. When it was released in 2018 September, received bad reviews from both critics and fans. Although some parts have fun, The Predator is just not a bad Predator movie, it’s a silly, dull and very bad movie overall.
12- Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)
Firstly, this movie is dark. It’s not dark like Requiem for a Dream or 12 Years a Slave, it has a serious lighting problem. You cannot see anything in AVP: R. Predalien’s design was lame. It’s a retcon R-rated teen slasher with Xenomorphs and Predator. Horrible dialogues and cringe teen scenes make the movie worse. Some actors doing their best like John Ortiz. The only good thing is in this movie badass Wolf Predator and Yautja Prime.
11- Alien: Resurrection (1997)
Alien: Resurrection didn’t need to be made. A sequel for Alien³ was so unnecessary but still, here we are. Movie tries to explain too much but nothing in it. The underwater scene was cool. Newborn design was meh and it has too little screen time. Most Alien fans think this movie doesn’t exist in their headcanon. I mean, even Ridley Scott doesn’t care at all.
10- Alien vs. Predator (2004)
Back in the time, we have already Freddy vs. Jason but it was not enough for our versus movie satisfaction. Fox saw that Dark Horse AvP comics were popular and they thought this would work so well in cinemas so they hired a guy named Paul W.S. Anderson, who made the original Resident Evil movie. Then AvP happened… Aside from bad marketing this movie suffered was not Rated R. Biggest mistake of 20th Century Fox at that time. Blu-ray has an R-rated director’s cut but still couldn’t save the movie. The movie centered on too many boring human characters. It has too many continuity errors for an AvP movie. It bombed the box office for a good reason. AvP is not an unwatchable, awful movie but still not great either. Lastly, ADI’s Predator’s designs and mouths are the worst ones still to this day.
9- Alien³ (1992)
Alien³ has too many problems but the biggest one was killing Aliens characters(Hicks and Newt) at the beginning of the film. It’s like ”Aliens happened but whatever I don’t care”. I know the movie suffered too much in production back. Another sin is terrible CGI Xenomorph and Ripley’s awful ending. My eyes bleed when I saw the Xenomorph. Alien³ Director’s Cut is barely better than the original. One of the thing movie does well was cast. Charles Dance and Charles S. Dutton were great. The story was too different. It’s just bland and unnecessary. The interesting thing is David Fincher still hates his work to this day and I can agree with him.
8- Alien: Covenant (2017)
The latest installment is the Alien series Alien: Covenant divided fans too much. The movie used the same-old cliche scenes and boring now. Elizabeth Shaw’s death and mad android David’s creation of the Xenomorphs slapped in the face to Alien fans. I can say after the first-hour movie downhill so hard. What did I like? New creatures were fine like Neomorph.
7- Predator 2 (1990)
Predator 2 is maybe one of the most underrated movie of all time. Back in the ’90s and 2000’s everyone hates that movie. Now it’s more popular than you thought. It has all 90’s cheesiness. It has a great supporting cast (Jake Busey, Bill Paxton) and full action-packed scenes. The movie tried to expand predator lore and it did very well. It’s not the greatest but still fun to watch.
6- Prometheus (2012)
Ridley Scott thought making a prequel to Alien would be cool and he handled it. Prometheus looks phenomenally gorgeous from a visual side. It has an okayish story but the cast played very well. Michael Fassbender’s David 8 acting and Guy Pearce’s Peter Weyland make up incredible. I’m also okay with Noomi Rapace’s Elizabeth Shaw. This movie moves too slowly but when it comes to the intense third act everything gets interesting and horror comes to the fore. Prometheus has minor problems. Most critical one movie does not have a Xenomorph but we can see new creatures like Hammerpede, Trilobite and Deacon. Also watching Engineer first time on a big screen was great.
5- Predators (2010)
Predators is an interesting one. What if we bring together the most notorious criminals on Earth and throw them on a Predator’s hunting planet ? Robert Rodriguez came to Fox with this idea. It’s not bad but a little much the same as the original Predator movie. The lead actor is our pianist Adrien Brody although it sounds weird, I think he pulled it off except for the annoying voice. Teams chemistry was OK. Some characters were handled very well for example Hanzo’s last stand and Nikolai’s sacrifice. Other than Fishburne’s character is completely useless and wasted 5 minutes later. On the action side Predators is a great action flick. It has some very cool scenes to watch like Classic Predator vs Berserker Predator, First Contact, Yakuza Samurai vs Falconer, etc… The ending of the movie left the door open but the sequel never happened. I have to say again Adrien Brody’s Batman voice is still bad.
4- Prey (2022)
Prey is the newest installment in the Predator series. Story goes back to the time when the Predators first hunt. Feral Predator design is interesting. Like the name, Feral uses more natural-made tools, unlike the other Predators. The movie benefits from being Rated R. Gore with blood, action, and a serious tone what Predator movie needed. Also, Prey looks very nice despite the budget. Jeff Cutter’s cinematography is phenomenal. Feral punching and killing a grizzly bear is one of the coolest scenes of the entire Predator franchise.
3- Aliens (1986)
James Cameron is a genius. The guy knows stuff and how to direct a movie even a sci-fi-horror. Building a sequel on top of the success of the first Alien movie without losing quality is a tough job. What can I say ? He did it again as always. In the beginning, movie identified itself Sci-fi-Horror but as the movie progresses changed its tone and aspects come with a lot of action. Colonial Marines vs. Xeno’s that’s all crowd needed. The full cast was top-notch. Some of the dialogue was written very well despite similar horror movies. Ripley fighting Alien Queen is superb fun and badass. Aliens is one of the best action, sci-fi movie ever made in a way no one will argue.
2- Predator (1987)
The first Predator movie has a too-basic story but the execution was great. This is John McTiernan’s action magic combination with Stan Winston’s iconic design. All of the cast played very well. Predator was made in 1987 but still holds up to today’s standards. It’s aged like fine wine. Alan Silvestri’s amazing soundtrack made the movie even better. To this day Predator is still one of the best action and manliest movie ever.
1- Alien (1979)
Ridley Scott’s horror sci-fi movie is still the best sci-fi horror movie. The movie future generations. the high tense of horror It has great CGI 1970s standards. Ian Holm’s android … scary. Alien is an icon for every Sci-fi lover. will be added-held
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